Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Thank you... Stranger

I have always complained about not having people who would model for me except for my nephews and nieces ofcourse. Alot of people told me to ask family or friends to help me with that so I did. However, most of them didn't appreciate being photographed or if they agreed they wouldn't allow me to post up the photos.

So, one day I was in one of the malls in Dubai. There were hats displayed and sold on a rotunda for the next day's horse racing event. As I was there taking pictures, I saw a lady in a little black dress trying a hat on, so I assumed that she is one of the retail ladies as most of them dressed the same and by wearing one of the hats she is marketing her merchandise.

Crossed fingered, I walked towards her intending to ask her to pose for the amateur me, expecting rejection.

"Ofcourse!" she said, with a big wide smile too! =D

I couldn't believe it at first and was feeling nervous as thrill prevented me from concentrating! haha. but that truly made my day. =)

Then asked me if the hat looks good on her in which I answered it is.

"Then, I think I will buy it" she said, and I was like =O! haha

She turned out to be a customer. She went to buy it and disappeared while I was taking some more photos. I didn't even get to know her name, my first real model's name, but I know what to call her... beautiful stranger. =)

Action by night-fate (deviantart)

Action by night-fate (deviantart)

Here my nephew who was following me around got to try one of the hats on. He liked it at first and was happy being photographed with it. then he took the hat off saying that it's for girls and he is a boy! haha... too late Zayed =P


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