Well... I admit that I'm a procrastinator and you can tell from the time in between my posts.
I almost procrastinate about everything even when adding my watermark.
When adding my watermark on to my photos.. I don't know if you guys fell the same, but... I hate it when I have to type in my nickname over and over again or everytime I finish post processing a photo.
Therefore, I made my watermark a brush! yup a brush... now adding my watermark is only a click away. =)
So fellow procrastinators, all you have to do now is stop procrastinating for a minute and learn how to make your watermark a brush all in three simple steps ;) then you'll have your watermark handy.
P.S. of course you can make a brush out of any design or words you like, it doesn't have to be a watermark. But, because I use my watermark often, I made it a brush to make things easier for me.
Now follow my baby steps =*>
start a new background (File -> new OR Ctrl+N) and set the "Background Contents" to "Transparent" and set the size to whatever you like.
A new window will appear with a transparent background.
1- Create a new layer
2- Set the color to black (it has to be BLACK!)
3- Then type your watermark or whatever in the box by clicking on the "T" icon on the tool box
Once you finish:
1- Go to "Edit" on the main menu bar then "Define Brush Preset..."
a small window will pop up asking you to name the brush... name it whatever =P (I named mine eyePhotograph)
That it! now you're done.
Now if you want to use it...:
1- Click on the brush icon on the tool box
2- ... and do the following (click on the small arrow to open the brushes box then click on the small arrow on the top right hand side to open your brush sets on your brushes box)
You'll find your brush there just click on it and use it on a new white background... and you can change the colors of your brush ofcourse..
Hope you found this useful ;)
great post keep it up
---ur friend Br3o9ah---
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