Hi all, or at least those who still read my blog. *ashamed*
It has been around two months since my last post. I know I mentioned on the " I was in... " post that I'll be away for a couple of months in order to work on my graduation project or thesis, but I thought I might be able to come back earlier but that took all my time =( .
However, I have good news! =D I'm DONE with that project *woot*. Oh my god! the day I turned it in, I felt like... like... that that was the biggest achievement I did in my whole life! lol XD. I had so many sleepless nights working alone on it since I wasn't working with a group, and that's what added to my achievement feeling that I did everything on my own. Well, I can't be that ungrateful and say everything =\, my professor helped me a great deal, so... thank you professor. =)
Bad news =\! hmmm where do I start?! lol. Well, the charger of my laptop where I keep all my photos in has burnt so I can't charge and start up my laptop unless I order one which is bad because all my photos that I took recently are hostages now in that laptop =\. Second, I did turn it my graduation project, but I still have almost two weeks to finish my last course.
So, Good news again! lol XD. January 7th will be my official last day in University, then I'll graduate *woot woot*.
Anyway, I shall be back soon, and because I missed photography for a while now I created a DeviantArt account to share my photos because Flickr is banned in my country =|. Once I get done with univeristy stuff I shall be back with more tutorials ;).
"yda" I feel like disappointing you because you asked me not to stop giving tips and tutorials here, however I did stop for a while... sorry... but as I said I'll be back. =)