Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Bokeh it up!

I'm back again with an easy and simple tutorial on how to add bokeh to your photography. =) I had to take a break from my studies anyway. ;P

So, bokeh is a Japanese word that means "blur". You can read more about it here.

Many photographers like to take bokeh pictures and make bokeh stocks that other photographers would like to add to their photos as well as amateurs would like to. ;)

Therefore, I'm teaching you how to apply them on your photos... it's really easy =D and I see that it adds glamour and sometimes cuteness to the photos.


- Download some bokeh stocks that you prefer.

I can help you with that ;) here are some links for some bokeh stocks I liked from devianart

[1]  / [2]  / [3]  / [4]  / [5]


- Open the photo that you would like to add the bokeh to...
I'll use this one for example


- Open the bokeh picture that you would like to add and place it on your photo

I used this one from deviantart member "regularjane"

[Optional] to have a control over where you want the spots to be on your photo try to resize, tilt, flip, rotate the bokeh picture till you think it's perfect (go to  Edit > Transform > "and you'll have many options that will help you position the picture correctly")


- Change the blending mode to "Screen"

and the photo will come out like this



- Change the Opacity
because sometimes the bokeh has a very strong effect on the photo therefore you can decrease it alittle bit.


Try adding bokeh to your photographs I'm sure you'll like it =)
and if you did, please link me up so I would see your work =D

Have Fun!

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Cupcake Night

It was after mid-night when I took these pictures. I couldn't sleep so I went to the kitchen to eat something (a good way to gain weight =P) and found 2 plain cupcakes. I ate one and when I was about to eat the second one I thought to myself why not take pictures of it.. it looks cute and I have nothing to do anyway. =)

These are only 6 pictures tho I took more than that but it's ok it happens all the time, you take lots of pictures of something but you only like 1 or 2. It doesn't only happen to amateurs but to pro photographers too.
you just remember to say "eyePhotograph". =)

Sunday, October 4, 2009

A new born flickr account!

Because sometimes I just feel like I want to share my pictures without having to write anything or give a tutorial, I decided to create a flickr account to showcase my photography. =)

It doesn't mean that I'll leave blogger =P I'll keep sharing tips and tutorials here of course.

Pay a visit whenever u feel .. hmmmm .. like you have nothing else to do! =P